來源:http://www.xintli.net/ 日期:2024-01-22
消防泵組電氣控制柜功能根據系統操作控制和維護管理的需要,濕式、干式自動噴水滅 火系統電氣控制主要具備啟/停泵、主/備泵切換、手/自動轉換、雙電源切換、巡檢、保護、 反饋、機械應急啟動等功能。
According to the needs of system operation control and maintenance management, the electrical control cabinet of the fire pump group mainly has functions such as starting/stopping pumps, switching between main/standby pumps, manual/automatic switching, dual power switching, inspection, protection, feedback, mechanical emergency start, etc. for wet and dry automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems.
(1)啟/停泵功能 控制柜設置有手動啟/停每臺消防水泵的按鈕,并設有遠程控制消防水泵啟動的輸入端 子,消防水泵啟動運行和停止應正常,指示燈、儀表顯示應正常。
(1) The control cabinet for the start/stop pump function is equipped with buttons for manually starting/stopping each fire water pump, and is equipped with input terminals for remote control of the start of the fire water pump. The start and stop of the fire water pump should be normal, and the indicator lights and instrument displays should be normal.
(2)主/備泵切換功能 當主泵發生故障時,備用泵自動延時投入,水泵啟動時間不應大于 2min。
(2) When the main pump fails, the standby pump will automatically delay operation and the start time of the water pump should not exceed 2 minutes.
(3)手/自動轉換功能 在自動狀態下,可自動或遠程手動啟動水泵,多線控制盤遠程停止水泵。在手動狀態下, 可通過控制柜啟/停按鈕啟動、停止水泵。
(3) The manual/automatic switching function can automatically or remotely start the water pump in automatic mode, and the multi line control panel can remotely stop the water pump. In manual mode, the water pump can be started and stopped by pressing the start/stop button on the control cabinet.
(4)雙電源切換功能 控制柜應具備雙電源自動切換功能。消防水泵使用的電源應采用消防電源,雙電源切換 裝置可設置在消防泵組電氣控制柜附近,也可以設置在消防泵組電氣控制柜內。
(4) The control cabinet with dual power switching function should have automatic dual power switching function. The power supply used for the fire pump should be the fire power supply, and the dual power switching device can be set near the electrical control cabinet of the fire pump group or inside the electrical control cabinet of the fire pump group.
(5)巡檢功能 具備定期自動巡檢和人工手動巡檢等功能。大功率消防水泵可以采用變頻運行等方式緩 減水泵啟動時對電網及管網的沖擊。
(5) The inspection function has functions such as regular automatic inspection and manual inspection. High power fire water pumps can use variable frequency operation and other methods to mitigate the impact of pump startup on the power grid and pipeline network.
(6)保護功能 控制柜應具有過載保護、短路保護、過壓保護、缺相保護、欠壓保護、過熱保護功能。 出現以上狀況時,消防泵組電氣控制柜故障燈常亮,并發出故障信號。
(6) The protection function control cabinet should have overload protection, short circuit protection, overvoltage protection, phase loss protection, undervoltage protection, and overheating protection functions. When the above conditions occur, the fault light of the electrical control cabinet of the fire pump unit remains on and sends a fault signal.
(7)反饋功能 控制柜應具有將泵啟、泵停、泵故障、手/自動狀態等信號反饋消防控制室報警主機 的功能。
(7) The feedback function control cabinet should have the function of feeding back signals such as pump start, pump stop, pump failure, and manual/automatic status to the alarm host in the fire control room.
(8)機械應急啟動功能控制柜應具有機械應急啟動功能。在控制柜內的控制線路發生故障時可由具有管理權限 的人員在緊急時啟動消防水泵。
(8) The mechanical emergency start function control cabinet should have a mechanical emergency start function. When there is a malfunction in the control circuit inside the control cabinet, personnel with management authority can start the fire water pump in an emergency.
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